Job in internet

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So, we were successfully registered. Now it is necessary to enter into the account (account). Then it is necessary download the special program — a plug-in to Internet Explorer. With its help you will receive and carry out tasks.

1. We click under reference Download Toolbar and download the program in any folder on a hard disk.

2. We start a file nocstoolbar.exe. Before installation close all windows of a browser and follow instructions.

3. Now it is necessary to start the Internet an explorer. There on the panel above there should be a special small button (emblem Nocs). If the button has not appeared, click on the panel the right button and put a tick opposite Nocs Bar.

4. On the panel at the top of window IE there will be an inscription « Nocs (disconnected) » and 3 buttons:

Get offers

5. Now it is necessary to press « Connect! » And to come on the main page of an account. There there is a small reference — Register toolbar. We click after it and it is registered.

Use toolbar

1. We have pressed a connection and two buttons were highlighted: Get offers and Completed. To receive tasks, it is necessary to press button Get offers. There will be such small window, there the list of tasks. All of them are numbered and to begin performance of tasks, it is necessary to press Get offer, in the end of the description of each task.

2. After you have carried out the task (more in detail — below), it is necessary to press Completed panels Nocs. There will be a same list of tasks as well as by pressing Get offers, only references of type Get offer will be replaced on Completed. We press Complete in the same task, as carried out. Wait a little, and if all of you have made correctly, there will be an inscription: « the Total sum of earnings has raised on X dollars and now it makes Y dollars » (the message will be in English, and instead of Y and X there will be figures). Sometimes after pressing the reference in section Completed the new window with the message opens: « the Page is not found ». In this case it is simple connecting to a server anew.

The most widespread mistake at work with Nocs toolbar is the mistake #111 which sometimes appears by pressing « CONNECT! ». That it did not appear, carry out following rules:

1. By pressing « CONNECT! » On Nocs panels be convinced, that at you high enough speed of connection.

2. Do not use any additional plug-ins to your browser. They can affect work Nocs toolbar.

3. If all was the mistake, try some times connecting to a server.

Performance of tasks

Performance of tasks Nocs — business simple. To receive tasks we already have learned. How them to carry out?

After pressing the button « CONNECT! » The new window with tasks will open. Each task will look approximately so:


FastWeb - Start your scholarship search by creating a customized profile.

To complete the offer... fill in all form (s) you are presented with. After all forms have been submitted you will arrive at a page that says " Finished! " in bold text and has a button saying " Take Me to My Search Results>> " click this button. On the following page that loads click " Update your profile " and wait for the page to load.

Click here to take this offer!

In the right column you see number of the task - 1882.

In the left column all over again goes URL the advertizer —

Hardly below — the description of the company of the advertizer: FastWeb - Start your scholarship search by creating a customized profile.

Further — the description of the task. To understand an essence of the task, it is necessary to have basic knowledge of English language.

Below the reference « Click here », the leader on a site with which it is necessary to begin performance of the task is located.

Now all depends on type of the task. In the some people tasks ask to receive the letter from the advertizer and with pressing there on the reference to confirm registration. Having pressed the reference in the received letter, will get in the account. (personally I usually pass such tasks.)

In other type of tasks of acknowledgement it is not required. It is necessary for you to fill the form and to enter into an account.

To understand, what type of tasks has got to you, closely read the description of each of tasks. As you can see, all very simply and quickly. On the average on performance of tasks leaves no more than 5 minutes at beginners and no more than 2 minutes at the pro.

During work Nocs toolbar will constantly ask a question:

Automatic message:
Your Nocs Toolbar is currently connected to server. We recommend you to disconnect..... to proceed your work? (Click YES to proceed, or otherwise NO disconnect now)
« You Nocs Toolbar is now connected to a server. We advise you to be disconnected...... To continue work? (press « YES » to continue work or « NO » for the termination of work with Nocs-toolbar) ».

If you at this time carry out tasks press YES if work have finished — NO

After you have finished performance of the task, it is necessary to make the following:

1) In the same window where you did the task, press button " Completed " on Nocs-toolbar
2) In the opened window it is found the carried out task (if it there is not present — try to press the right key of the mouse at a window and choose "to update")
3) We press the reference « Click here »

If all of you have made correctly there will be a message: « It is congratulated … to you it is listed … ». If instead of it will tell: « the MISTAKE — check up correctness of performance of the task and execute it anew » you have made something not so. Try to make all anew.

I wish to tell about difficult tasks. The price of such tasks above, sometimes in some times but also to execute them it is more difficult. If such tasks at you will not turn out, I advise to not be greedy and wait a little with their performance until will be typed experience.

Remember the most important at performance of tasks:

1) Very closely read the description of the task (if do not know English, use the dictionary);
2) Carry out all instructions in accuracy, differently the task will not include!
3) At filling forms enter precisely same data (a name, phone, the address, ESPECIALLY E-MAIL!), differently you will be fined!
4) In adjustments Internet Explorer establish the lowest level of confidentiality (service-> properties of an observer-> confidentiality);
5) Wait full loading of pages (the schedule can disconnect);
6) Press button " Completed " on Nocs-toolbar in the same window in which carried out the task;
7) Always watch that button " CONNECT " has been pressed, differently Nocs does not learn that you have carried out the task;
8) On the account in Nocs it is possible to come ONLY from that computer from which this account has been registered!!! Otherwise you will be removed from system!

Attention! If your browser is not adjusted on autoupdating in opened by pressing « Get Offers » window Assingments it is necessary to click with the right button of the mouse and to press "to update". To adjust a browser on autoupdating it is necessary to enter into the menu Service-> Properties of an observer-> In addition-> the Review and to note item « Automatically to check updatings Internet Explorer ».

Still time I shall remind, that the price for the carried out task directly depends on quantity of your referrals. Will invite to work in the company 15 person and a ceiling price of the executed task very much will please you.


Let's pass to what requirements to you shows Nocs. Below — three basic corrected. I shall translate them:

You should enter the correct address and a phone number. If you have chosen other country by mistake, you are authorized to modify it only once.

You should not enter the incorrect information at registration and filling of forms. If to us will inform that the information which you have specified, suspicious it will be considered as infringement of our rules. You will be fined on $5 for each incorrect registration.

You should carry out only those tasks in which are really interested. If you do not follow this rule the persons placing the announcements will complain of you, and you will be fined.

So, remember, never carry out tasks somehow. Closely read the text of the task, accurately enter the data at registration. Only the same a name, a surname, the country, the address, a phone number, etc., as at registration in Nocs. Do not forget about convenient program AIRoboForm. All other data in all tasks also enter fairly and diligently. Otherwise to you to not avoid complaints from the companies where you are registered and, hence, penalties from Nocs.

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